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Season 13: Church Property: Imagining Good Futures | Episode 11

Are Taxes Distracting Us from Bigger Church Property Issues?


This week, Shannon Hopkins and Rev. Mark Elsdon continue their takeover of the Igniting Imagination podcast with guest Rev. Dr. Patrick G. Duggan. Shannon, Mark, and Patrick delve into the transformative potential inherent in church property, emphasizing a missional approach to its use. Patrick articulates the necessity of aligning financial strategies with the overarching mission of the church and shares various case studies that exemplify how churches across the nation are creatively leveraging their assets to foster community engagement and human flourishing.

Listen as we shed light on the pathways that help churches navigate the complexities of real estate, while staying true to their core mission of service and love within their neighborhoods.

In this conversation, you’ll hear:

  • Mission over mere profitability: navigating the complexities of property development and tax considerations.

  • Reconsidering the purpose of church properties in light of community needs, advocating for creative reimagining of these spaces.

  • Encouraging churches to maintain a focus on mission, underscoring the importance of community connection and social impact.

  • Seeking external expertise in finance and property development; collaboration is key to maximizing impact.

Meet Our Guest

Rahel Billups

Rev. Dr. Patrick Duggan

Rev. Dr. Patrick Garnet Duggan is an authorized minister in the United Church of Christ, and has served as Executive Director of the UCC Church Building and Loan Fund (CB&LF) since 2012. Founded in 1853, CB&LF is the first national church building society in the United States. The Fund offers loans, capital campaigns, and consulting services for the financing and redevelopment of real estate owned by UCC and other Christian churches in the United States.

A native New Yorker (now living in North Carolina), Dr. Duggan earned a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University, and both Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from New York Theological Seminary. Dr. Duggan and his wife Patricia, a retired school administrator, have three adult sons and four grandchildren.

Show Notes

Rev. Dr. Patrick Garnet Duggan is an authorized minister in the United Church of Christ, and has served as Executive Director of the UCC Church Building and Loan Fund (CB&LF) since 2012. Founded in 1853, CB&LF is the first national church building society in the United States. The Fund offers loans, capital campaigns, and consulting services for the financing and redevelopment of real estate owned by UCC and other Christian churches in the United States.

A native New Yorker (now living in North Carolina), Dr. Duggan earned a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard University, and both Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from New York Theological Seminary. Dr. Duggan and his wife Patricia, a retired school administrator, have three adult sons and four grandchildren.

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How Can Church Property Serve the Neighborhood?

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How Does Theology Shape Church Property Decisions?

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Why Are We Talking About Church Property?

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Episode 1

Church Property: Imagining Good Futures

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